The bladder (urinary bladder) is an organ where urine filtered from the kidneys accumulates. They have the functions of storing and discharging urine. Cancer can be seen in some cases, especially after the age of 40. It is among the most common cancers in our country. It is most commonly manifested by bleeding in the urine in patients. In addition, many complaints ranging from frequent urination, burning in urination and even kidney failure can be seen. It is much more common in men than women. The most common cause is SMOKING. Occupational groups exposed to chemicals (paint, textile, chemical industry, tire and rubber industry) are at risk. 70% of bladder tumors are detected at an early stage. The treatment of bladder tumors detected at an early stage is performed successfully with cystoscopy and resection (closed surgery). In late and disseminated disease, much more difficult treatments are applied and the risk of death increases. For this reason, it is vital that people who have complaints about this disease get their diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. In this regard, specialist centers and physicians should be consulted.
Common complaints and findings in bladder cancer are:
1- Blood in the urine
2- Pain during urination
3- Frequent urination
These are not definitive signs of a bladder tumor. These complaints can also be seen in infection, bladder stones and other problems. A definitive diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.
BLADDER CANCER; Cancer that is limited to the superficial layer (innermost layer) of the bladder is called non-invasive cancer (superficial cancer). After treatment, superficial cancer may recur (recur). Recurrence usually occurs when a superficial cancer with the same features is seen in its old place or in another part of the bladder, and the vast majority of these do not spread to other parts of the body, the event is only in the bladder. Due to this feature, it is of particular importance that patients with bladder tumors come to their regular controls. However, sometimes there may be progression of the disease along with recurrence, and in this case, the cancer may deepen and pass into the muscle layer. This is called invasive (deep) cancer. Bladder cancer that has progressed into the muscle can spread out of the bladder and into the surrounding tissues. Bladder cancer can also spread to the lymph nodes around the bladder. If it has reached these places, it may have jumped to distant places such as the lungs.
This new tumor is called a metastatic bladder tumor.

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