Treatment of kidney cancer
Treatment of kidney tumor is determined by the patient’s age, general health status, and the extent of spread (stage) of the cancer.
Surgery is the standard method in the treatment of kidney cancers. Depending on the stage, size and number of the cancer, either the kidney, adrenal gland and surrounding membranes and fat layers can be completely removed (radical nephrectomy) or only partially removed (partial nephrectomy), depending on the stage, size and number of the cancer. Surgical technique can be determined by the surgeon with an open operation or a closed method called laparoscopic. If the remaining kidney is normal, removal of the diseased kidney does not cause any problems in terms of kidney functions. Depending on the surgical technique, the patient can usually be discharged from the hospital shortly (3-4 days) after the operation. After leaving the hospital, you can easily resume normal daily activities. Then, according to your doctor’s recommendation, you should return to the hospital to be re-evaluated. In addition to the evaluation of your general condition after the operation, this control is absolutely necessary in order to plan the future state of your disease. This control examination is the best time to share all the details of your disease with your doctor.
The removed samples are examined by pathology method and the type, character and extent of spread of the tumor are determined. This both confirms the diagnosis and gives information about the spread.
If the cancer is in the Gerota sheath, most patients do not need any additional treatment. If the tumor has protruded beyond the sheath or is present elsewhere, additional post-surgical treatment will be required.
When the surgical decision is made, such operations can now be performed laparoscopically or robotically. In very small masses (under 3 cm), even if a tumor is suspected, in some cases, it may not be removed and followed up. Another treatment alternative in recent years for kidney masses smaller than 3 cm is the destruction of tumor cells using energy sources. The tumor mass is destroyed by using various heat sources with microwave, radiofrequency, cryoablation methods. Especially in liver tumors, the treatment applied in recent years can also be done for kidney masses without harming kidney functions.
This treatment is especially suitable for the elderly, lung or heart etc. It is applied to patients who cannot afford the surgery due to problems. It can also be tried at a younger age, in people who do not want to have surgery. The measurement, size, content of the mass and the general condition of the patient are combined and the patient is informed about which one to apply. In this respect, it is important to know that there is such a treatment alternative.

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