TURP is the most commonly used surgical method in the treatment of BPH. As in all closed surgeries, the enlarged prostate tissue is cut into small pieces by entering the urinary canal and removed. Since there is no open surgical incision, removal of the urinary catheter and hospital stay are limited to a few days.
The aim of all treatments is to reduce or eliminate the symptoms related to the disease and to prevent other bodily harms that may result from the disease. Urinary complaints improve significantly in approximately 90% of patients with TURP and 95% with open surgery.
There may be some temporary or permanent problems in the early and late period after surgery. Bleeding and infection in the early post-TURP period; In addition, wound healing problems may occur after open surgery. In the late period, leakage of ejaculation fluid (semen) back into the bladder, rarely stenosis in the urinary canal or weakening in penile erection (erection) can be observed.
Laser Surgery – One of the energies used in the surgical treatment of enlarged prostate tissue is laser energy. Surgery using laser is performed using closed, in other words, endoscopic, prostate surgeries using methods and instruments very similar to those of the prostate. Method definitions differ according to the type of laser energy used. Two techniques are more widely used than the others. These are Holmium laser prostate surgeries (HoLAP and HoLEP) and photoselective prostate vaporization (PVP), known as green light.
HoLAP and HoLEP are methods applied in the form of vaporizing the prostate or removing it by cutting it using Holmium laser energy. Its advantages are that it causes less bleeding, has a short recovery time, and can be applied to large prostates (HoLEP).

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